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Elon Musk is changing the world for the next generation the way Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have. He’s been appropriately compared to a real life Tony Stark (Iron Man) and this book is a great insight to understand him as a person and the way he thinks.


The only thing that makes sense to do is strive for greater collective enlightenment.


One person putting in a 16 hour day ends up being much more effective than two people working 8 hour days together. The individual doesn’t have to hold meetings, reach a consensus, or bring other people up to speed on a project. He just keeps working and working and working.


We’re trying to have a really big impact on the space industry. If the rules are such that you can’t make progress then you have to fight the rules.


We’re trying to have a really big impact on the space industry. If the rules are such that you can’t make progress then you have to fight the rules.


If you really embrace this (life is short) it leaves you with the obvious conclusion that you should be working as hard as you can.


If you liked Bossypants then you’ll like this book, I laughed out loud many times.


Sometimes shitty things happen and sometimes they don’t. And my rule is enjoy the non-shitty things now because shitty things are coming and vice versa. This is just basic life 101.


Be happy in front of people who hate you. That way they know that they haven’t gotten to you, plus it pisses them off like crazy.


If you’re in need of some candy-like fiction to feed your nerdy side then this is pretty fulfilling. It poses an interesting ‘what if’ scenario that you’ve probably had a conversation about before and it takes an interesting angle on the idea. If you like Ready Player One then you’ll like this book.