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This is my entry to the this year’s Doritos Crash the Super Bowl contest.

To view and make comments on the actual contest page, this is the direct link to my video there:

I had a lot of help getting this all together. Thanks to Kurt, Diana, and Pablo for being extras. Thanks to Yuki for her stellar performance. Thanks to Eric and Scott for managing the sound and camera. David and Eric S. for their creative support. Most importantly, thanks to Angela, my wife, for being a crucial part in this entire process, doing such a great job in the commercial, and putting up with me pursuing these random projects.

If you want to see some of the competition, Jared Cicon’s blog HERE, or check out some really bizarre ones that ‘Beardy’ compiled over at his site HERE.

I’ll know around the end of December if I was picked as one of the six finalists. Then it is on to public voting for the top 3…

This was the first project where I used my Canon 7D. I really liked it, but I wish I had used the ‘Faithful’ image mode, or whatever you call it. It’s where you can set the contrast and saturation within the camera. I used a custom setting I found on a website, and I think it would work well if poorly lit situations, unlike mine where I had it lit properly. It basically flattened out the image too much I think. I think you can really notice it in the first shot of the commercial. Not that big of a deal, but something to learn from.

To do this one I used Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro. I color graded with Magic Bullet Looks in AE, which I really enjoy that plug-in. The two lenses I have and used was the EFS 15mm to 85mm and a Nikon with an adapter so it would fit the camera (so no autofocus, which I don’t use for video anyways) that was 50mm and f/1.8 to get a nice bokeh effect.


