These images were all taken yesterday. The hang gliding stills are from video I may use in an upcoming project. The photos from last night were all taken with the Canon 7D. I was curious to see how it would work at the maxed out ISO (ISO 6400). [ISO just tells the sensor how sensitive to be to light: bigger number = more sensitive] See the captions below each photo for more details and click on them to get a larger version.
Foot Launch still from 7D shooting a 720p movie at 60fps, and I scaled it up a little. Thanks for filming it Eric.
Same launch except taken from a still image from my Canon HF100 that was mounted on the wingtip.
A still from the HF100 that was on the wingtip as I'm in ground effect about ready to land dragging my hand in the grass
f/1.8, 4", ISO 200 - this is my favorite picture from last night
ISO 6400, f/1.8, 1/30 - Everybody hanging out around the firepit.
f/1.8, 1/20, ISO 6400 - I used the Nik Software photoshop plug-in called Dfine to reduce the amount of noise in this image from it being taken in such low light, or maybe it was Scotts scary face that did it . . . Click the image to see the difference between the before and after. (This is the only image I photoshopped of the ones taken from the fire.)
ISO 6400, f/1.8, 1/30 - Everybody hanging out around the firepit.
Taken with the Canon 7D with a Nikon 50mm lens at f/1.8, 1/30, iso 6400