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Above is a short video I put together last night, very quickly, for the Hall Steps Foundation. Click HERE to learn more about Ryan Hall.

He is the fastest American-born marathoner in history, and he and his wife started this foundation with the goal of alleviating poverty. In his senior year he won the NCAA 5k and his 5k PR is 13:16! See his running bio HERE.


Other updates for me are just patiently waiting to hear the results of all the contests I’m in – have you watched my Kiva one yet?

I’m also just trying to learn Final Cut Pro a bit more and I’m thinking of starting a membership and sign up for classes starting Jan. 1st. I can’t believe you don’t have a simple RGB curves adjustment built-in to Final Cut Pro. Plus, the interface looks like it’s about 10 years old. I was going to try and do a post just talking about the 27″ iMac I’m working on now, but having issues with photos and this blog. One funny, frustrating thing, firefox crashed while I’m writing this blog entry when I was opening up a Quicktime movie in another tab . . . and I’ve already had the computer crash once.

I just think, if nothing else, you wouldnt expect the design of the buttons in FCP to come from a company like Apple.

I just think, if nothing else, you wouldn't expect the design of the buttons in FCP to come from a company like Apple.

I’m also considering starting a 365 photo blog over on my tumblr account so as not to bog down this website. Basically I would try to take an interesting picture every day for a year and post it to that account. It is connected to my Twitter account so it will show up in the right sidebar of this website as a ‘tweet’ with a link to the photo.

Right now I’m reading a few books on cinematography as well, and one of them is Stu‘s The DV Rebel’s Guide. It run’s through a cheap way to make an action flick, or any movie really. I think I’d really enjoy creating an entire film or at least a really well thought out short film.

Anyway’s below are some cool things I’ve seen recently:

Can’t embed this next one, so go to the link below. It is a very good short film, funny, and won some awards. It’s titled French Roast. It also looks like it could have been shot on the same virtual street as the one in the creepy short film at the bottom of this post:
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Always think these scenes are funny in their unbelievability:

A creepy short film: