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1. Ok Go’s new music video, which they have become famous for with all their viral music videos. This one is no different and I think they did a great job. What I like about it so much is even though they did stop motion animation, which you would think would be you some room for error, and multiple takes, etc. but they crazy thing is they clearly had this thing choreographed just right and must have gotten most shots in the first take because when the camera follows the action (another well executed stop motion technique) you can see that the shadows aren’t moving very fast, which would indicated different takes. They pulled this off seamlessly, it’s so easy to mess up one little thing and then you have to start all over because you can’t allow for any little inconsistencies. The crowd scene at the end was a nice finish. Well done again.



1. Head over to The Perry BIble Fellowship for some incredible and unique comic strips. They are pretty dark, but I enjoy his humor and graphic style. Below are some of my favorites.



1. Great behind the scenes on Toy Story 3 audio. I’m always fascinated by these glimpses into the big productions: