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So I decided to go ahead and post this video, I could be collecting this footage forever, but thought a good 45 seconds of my dog burping is plenty. Plus, I wanted to post something meaty before I leave for a hang gliding competition in Florida. Follow me on twitter, or check out my other blog, I’ll probably be posting there during the meet until I get back.

The video is of our dog, Lola, who we adopted during our 3 month stay in France after I graduated from college. It was an incredible stay, in the small town of Menerbes, actually right where A Good Year was filmed, and Ridley Scott has a house in that area too. Anyways, it’s a beautiful area that actually resembles the landscape of the Cumberland plateau with the Luberon nearby.

We began our relationship with Lola as many people have: she was stealing food out of our kitchen after she opened the door to our house. Since we were vacationing we were her perfect companions because we didn’t have much to do each day so we obliged her by playing fetch with her favorite toy, a rock, any rock. There are endless Lola tales that we heard around the village of her shenanigans.

One tale was of her sneaking into a man’s house and eating the old baguettes that were in a bag he would take to the horses. He caught her, yelled, and as she raised her head to ran, it got caught in the handle of the bag and she took out of the door carrying the entire bag of bread swinging from her neck as he chased her down the narrow, old street.

She is by far the best souvenir I’ve ever had from any trip I’ve ever taken. Angela and I got to a point and just couldn’t imagine not taking her with us, and in her current situation where her owners where split up, they wanted us to take her. As well as the whole village I think.

One of the last days of our stay I walked up to the cashier at the grocery (who took about a 3 hour break in the middle of the day every day, like every business in town) to pay for my stuff. Lola, as she usually did, had followed me, and as she unusually did, she was sitting at the open door of this old, little grocery. Typically, she would have tried to sneak in and snag food off of the low shelves and run out. But, she was being good, and I mentioned how we were taking her back with us, in my broken french. The cashier and her friend looked at each other and laughed. I said, ‘no really.’ Her eyes got bigger for one second and let that sink in and then she smiled. It was a smile where she didn’t say anything, but just looked at me and grinned before handing me my groceries. That grin revealed what we already knew: Lola is a handful.

Her burping is like clock work. She will burp within 2 minutes of finishing her dinner. Whether it’s an audible burp or not, or big or small, is another story. What you see in the video was caught over the last year or so as I would randomly remember to get my camera out and try and get her to sit still for a minute. The funny thing is she burps all the time, I’ve missed so many good ones, but after dinner it’s guaranteed so that’s when I’d get the camera out. Hope you enjoy this silly video.