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Hang Gliding in a Time Capsule

Hang Gliding in a Time Capsule

I’m happy to say that my half second of hang gliding fame made the cut for a short film curated by director Christopher Nolan. It was a collaboration by Google and the movie Interstellar to create a time capsule of what life is like on earth. You can watch the...
End Night Terrors Video

End Night Terrors Video

I recently created a video to introduce a product that helps children with night terrors, and their parents! The creator of Lully sent me footage of his nephew during a night terror and it was painful to watch. They’re completely in torment. So I was happy to...
February 2015 Book Recommendations

February 2015 Book Recommendations

I wasn’t able to read as much as I would have liked this month but I worked it in when I could. Using my Kindle helped because, even if I didn’t have it with me, I have the Kindle app on my phone so I was able to keep reading anywhere. Hope you enjoy these...

Moonbot Studios Tour

  My last project at Moonbot Studios was to create a new studio tour video. Their previous one was four years old, which is as old as the studio! With a new agency representing them they wanted a new introduction to Moonbot for clients and fans. I was tasked to...
Serendipity of Creating

Serendipity of Creating

When I was diagnosed with cancer I shaved a mohawk and I took a few photos of myself. The photos were a small way to prove that I existed in the face of death and to celebrate being alive. Alone in my house I set up the camera and lights and took the photos on a...
January 2015 Book Recommendations

January 2015 Book Recommendations

I’ve been meaning to review and give suggestions of books I read, but it’s hard to find the time so I’m going to keep this short. These are the books I’ve read over the last month. (and I wouldn’t be reading this much if I didn’t...