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First Repeat of Record Hang Gliding Flight

First Repeat of Record Hang Gliding Flight

I took this with my GoPro Hero 3+ and used the little remote to be able to conserve battery and switch between photo and video mode was really nice, but the GoPro did die a few hours into the flight so I only got footage up to arriving above the Treetopper’s...
Hang Gliding in a Time Capsule

Hang Gliding in a Time Capsule

I’m happy to say that my half second of hang gliding fame made the cut for a short film curated by director Christopher Nolan. It was a collaboration by Google and the movie Interstellar to create a time capsule of what life is like on earth. You can watch the...

Get To The Point!

Since moving back to Lookout the amount I’ve flown has increased by like 1,000%. It feels great to be back in an area I love and the flying community is so great. Here’s video of a flight I posted, unedited, because for whatever reason the last time I did...

Hang Gliding Yosemite

Pitter-patter of rubber soles running over coarse granite with the light jingle of aluminum bouncing along in unison and then whoosh, flying over one of the most picturesque landscapes that planet earth has to offer, hang gliding over Yosemite National Park....